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Law Firm

SCHUCH ADVOGADOS, with the expertise of almost five decades in the legal area, resumed his career as an attorney-at-law after 25 years devoted to the bench working for the National Counsel of Justice (Brazilian CNJ) and as the Chief Justice of the Regional Labor Court of the 1st Region, partnering with Leandro Schuch, attorney-at-law and Master in Economic Law by the Law School of Coimbra University, with robust professional experience obtained in reputed law firms over the country. Thus, SCHUCH ADVOGADOS – was born, a law firm built with the strength of a carefully-selected-team, ready to execute a portfolio of legal services with high standard of excellence.



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SCHUCH ADVOGADOS distiguishes itself by the search of creative and innovative solutions, acting dynamically and in customized form while attending to the demands of its clients. The mix of tradition and innovation reinforces the features of a law firm ahead of its time.


It is our commitment to add value to our clients’ businesses, regardless of the scope of work. We understand that every client must be attended in a customized form.


We see Law as a means to enable our client´s ideas and businesses, with the purpose of optimizing results.


We use technological tools and state-of-the-art systems to support the legal area, aiming at settling clients’ demands in a preventive and strategic form.


We encourage an entrepreneurial organizational culture, focused on developing leadership and pioneering characteristics, innovation, speed and focus on the client.

Schuch Advogados is a law firm recognized for the high specialization of its professionals, with a multidisciplinary team and lawyers focused on topics in the corporate world, assisted by accountants and economists with recognized authority in their respective areas.

Schuch Advogados provides legal advisory and consultancy services for various sectors of the economy and for the most varied situations linked to their specific needs, both those involving national legal entities and those concerning foreign legal entities.

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SCHUCH ADVOGADOS law firm acts in several areas of Law and business consulting, and defends clients of several segments, such as financial institutions, industries, closed private pension entities, educational foundations and health support foundations, pension funds, class entities and other entities of the third sector.

We act before all country courts and administrative authorities, in claims involving business law, corporate, civil, labor, real estate, social security, administrative, sports, bankruptcy and tax law, as well as rendering consulting services and acting in companies reorganization and restructuring procedures, interventions and extrajudicial liquidations as well as credits recovery procedures. SCHUCH ADVOGADOS also acts in clients’ defense at arbitration procedures held before several chambers in the country, such as the Market Arbitration Chamber – CAM, the Brazil – Canada Chamber of Commerce– CCBC, the Brazilian Center of Mediation and Arbitration – CBMA and he Fundação Getúlio Vargas Chamber.

  • Social Security and Extra Legal Pension Law
  • Tax Law and Fiscal Planning
  • Corporate Law
  • Private Law and Consumer Relations
  • Labor Law
  • Infrastructure, Telecommunications and Oil/Gas Law
  • Administrative and Regulatory Law
  • Criminal Business Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • Health Law
  • Sports Law
  • Real Estate Law
  • Mediation and Arbitration




We believe that, as a company, it is our duty to accomplish actions on behalf of sustainable development and in favor of our community. We care for an ethical and transparent management among our clients and have adopted social responsibility as one of the Schuch Advogados Associados strategic backbones.

Our association with Pró-Vita Association, where we act in pro-bono claims, (voluntary) reinforces our commitment to citizenship. Pró-Vita is a non-profit institution, which has been working for over 20 years in technical and finance support to public health units of the State of Rio de Janeiro specialized in bone marrow transplant and blood illnesses. Their main objective is to encourage society’s participation in order to raise the number of bone marrow transplants in Rio de Janeiro and, thus, save millions of life. Among the activities developed by Pró-Vita are the purchase and maintenance of equipment, organizing events and parties for the patients of supported units, distribution of snacks to blood donors who attend Hemorio and much more. For this reason, we, from SCHUCH law firm, are proud to be part of the team of associates and supporters of such an important and necessary initiative of federal, state and municipal public utility.

Rio de Janeiro

Av. Presidente Wilson, 231
9° andar | 20.030-020
Centro | Rio de Janeiro | RJ
+55 (21) 3993-4990

São Paulo

Rua Olimpíadas, 205
4º andar | 04551-060
Vila Olímpia | São Paulo | SP

Belo Horizonte

Rua Paraíba, 5500
8º andar | 30130-140
Savassi | Belo Horizonte | MG

agarbLaw Firm – Schuch Advogados